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     Welcome to Kayakalp Clinic





Education for our patients, the public and healthcare providers is a major part of our mission at Sexual Medicure Centre. Educated patients are empowered regarding their healthcare , and educated practitioners can provide better healthcare to their patients. Dr. Rughani teaches one-on-one, gives lectures, writes papers, and is also involved in research. 



Sexual medicine is the branch of medicine concerned with human sexuality and its disorders. Sexologist attempts to improve sexual health through the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of conditions or diseases that involve sexual function, sexual and/or partnership experience and behavior, gender identity, and sexual trauma and its consequences. 



A sexologist takes into account both the individual and couple dimensions of sex, as well as the knowledge and methods of medical, psychological, and social sciences, He recognizes that many of the conditions or disorders may be caused by medical conditions and or their treatment and for that reason needs to be a medical professional. 





Many sexual problems occurring in day to day life are Psycho-sexual problems. These problems or disorders cause a significant distress in personal & family life & most important thing to mention,these problems are very much curable with counselling,psychotherapy & medications as well.

Sadly, many of us because of  guilt,shame & fear,keep away from professional help. Many people go to quacks or roadside remedies,which can hamper or even harm actual sexual function


Common Sexual Problems in Men


Premature Ejaculation (PME)


Erectile Dysfunction (ED)


Hypo active Sexual Desire 


Dhat Syndrome 


General Measures to improve Sexual Function

1.  Regular physical exercise

2.  Proper rest & sleep

3.  Nutritious & balanced food 

4.  Regular medical check ups to rule out medical diseases

5.  Strict avoidance of alcohol or drug abuse 

6.  Strict avoidance of smoking

7.  Yoga & meditation 

8.  Spending quality time with partner  



What is Infertility:


If a couple is infertile, this means that they have been unable to conceive a child after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without birth control


Five important hormones stimulate the reproductive system of a woman:

>gonadotropin-releasing hormone

>luteinizing hormone

>follicle stimulating hormone



When you learn you are infertile, it may feel as though you have entered into a foreign territory. With medical jargon and recommendations for testing and treatments never before heard of, the unfamiliar world of infertility can be confusing. This section of our Web site provides resources and support that will help you learn more about infertility and the diagnosis and treatment process.


What questions should you be asking your physicians?


Who can you call at Delhi IVF Fertility centre Reproductive Specialists to answer your questions about the practice?


How can you learn more about your particular diagnosis?


What pharmacies stock fertility medications?


Where can you talk to other patients going through a similar situation? Are there any new treatments on the horizon?


We believe it is important to empower patients to become partners in their own healthcare. The best way to do this is to provide information and education and to encourage open communication between each patient and her team at DIFC. It is our hope that this knowledge will also establish a level of trust and confidence in our medical team that will reduce the normal anxieties associated with fertility therapy.


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